About the Journal

IJoEBaAS (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal of Economic, Banking, and Accounting Syariah published semi-annual (March and September) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of Economic, Banking, and Accounting Syariah. The IJoEBaAS invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, original research, case studies, theoretical discussions, and practical applications, aiming to advance the understanding and practice of Islamic finance, banking, and accounting.

Journal title International Journal of Economic, business, and management 
Initials IJoEBaAS
Abbreviation IJoEBaAS
Journal Rank -
Frequency 2 issues per year 
Online ISSN
Editor-in-chief Wildan Nur Hidayat
Publisher Almusthofa Scientific Research Centre, Yayasan Almusthofa Cendekia Nusantara
Acceptance Ratio 25%