Political Policies on Islamic Education
Kata Kunci:
Political Policies, Islamic education , Education in IndonesiaAbstrak
This study explores the development of religious education policies in Indonesia before and after the year 2003, employing a library research method. By examining historical documents, including Education Laws No. 04/1950, No. 02/1989, and No. 20/2003, the study traces the evolution of educational policies, particularly focusing on the inclusion of religious education. The research investigates how political and social dynamics, including the interactions between nationalist and religious groups, influenced these policies over time. Content analysis and comparative analysis techniques are utilized to identify shifts in the integration of religious values into the national education system. The findings indicate that changes in the formulation of education laws are closely linked to socio-political changes in Indonesia, particularly during significant periods such as the New Order and the Reform Era. Each legislative shift reflects a deeper integration of religious aspects in response to public demands and political dynamics, from general principles to more specific rights for students to receive religious education aligned with their faith. This study provides insights into the evolving relationship between religion and state within the context of education policy-making, highlighting the role of reforms in promoting inclusivity and responsiveness to societal needs.
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