BESTARI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
BESTARI ISSN: 3064-2558 adalah Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan almusthofa. Ini adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan pada bulan Januari, Juli dan September untuk mengembangkan etos ilmiah. Editor menerima artikel ilmiah dan hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan bidang Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat: laporan hasil kegiatan, kajian, dan penelitian terkait program-program pengabdian masyarakat yang inovatif dan berdampak positif pada masyarakat.
PENA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran
PENA (eISSN: 3064-3627) is a Journal for dissemination of information research results in the field of education which aims to communicate the various results of studies that can serve as the basis of scientific development to create educational innovation that emphasized on improving the quality of education.
FISKAL: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis, dan Manajemen
FISKAL (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) adalah Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis, dan Manajemen yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan almusthofa. Ini adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan pada bulan Maret dan September untuk mengembangkan etos ilmiah. Editor menerima artikel ilmiah dan hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan bidang Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis, dan Manajemen: aspek ekonomi, bisnis, dan manajemen, baik dalam konteks teori maupun praktik.
AKAD: Jurnal Ekonomi, Perbankan, dan Akutansi Syariah
Journal title : AKAD: Jurnal Ekonomi, Perbankan, dan Akuntansi Syariah
Initials : Akad
Frequency : 2 issues per year (March and September)
Editor in chief : Nurlaila, S.E., M.E
Publisher : Almusthofa Scientific Research Center, Yayasan Almusthofa Cendekia NusantaraAKAD: Jurnal Ekonomi, Perbankan, dan Akuntansi Syariah This journal contains scientific papers published by the Almusthofa Scientific Research Center (ASRC). This journal is a means of scientific publication for students, lecturers and researchers who publish qualitative and quantitative research articles covering the fields of economics, banking, and Islamic accounting. The journal publishes 2 (two) times a year, namely in March and September.
SETARA: Jurnal Hukum
SETARA is an Jurnal Hukum (ISSN: xxxx-xxxx) published in Almusthofa Scientific Research Centre (ASRC) by Yayasan Almusthofa Cendekia Nusantara. It releases issues twice a year, in May and November, to promote academic excellence and contribute to legal scholarship. The journal accepts a range of scientific works, including original research articles, literature reviews, case studies, and legal analyses. The focus of these contributions is to enhance the development of legal science and practical applications in law. By encouraging a broad range of legal discourse, SETARA aims to foster a deeper understanding of legal principles and their real-world implications, catering to scholars and practitioners in the field of law.
PADI: Jurnal Pertanian
PADI (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) adalah Jurnal Pertanian yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan almusthofa. Ini adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan pada bulan Juni dan Desember untuk mengembangkan etos ilmiah. Editor menerima artikel ilmiah dan hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan bidang Jurnal Pertanian: ilmu pertanian, mulai dari penelitian dasar hingga aplikasi praktis dalam sektor pertanian.
TERNAK: Jurnal Peternakan
TERNAK (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) adalah Jurnal Peternakan yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan almusthofa. Ini adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan pada bulan Januari dan Juli untuk mengembangkan etos ilmiah. Editor menerima artikel ilmiah dan hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan bidang Jurnal Peternakan: ilmu peternakan, mulai dari penelitian dasar hingga aplikasi praktis dalam industri peternakan.
DINASTI: Jurnal Sosial dan Politik
DINASTI (eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) adalah Jurnal Sosial dan Politik yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan almusthofa. Ini adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan pada bulan Februari, Juni, dan Oktober untuk mengembangkan etos ilmiah. Editor menerima artikel ilmiah dan hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan bidang Jurnal Sosial dan Politik: aspek dalam ilmu sosial dan politik, mulai dari penelitian teoritis hingga analisis empiris yang berkaitan dengan fenomena sosial dan politik.
SEMESTA: Jurnal Multidisipliner
SEMESTA (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) adalah Jurnal Multidisipliner yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan almusthofa. Ini adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan pada bulan Maret dan September untuk mengembangkan etos ilmiah. Editor menerima artikel ilmiah dan hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan bidang Jurnal Multidisipliner: berbagai disiplin ilmu, mendorong kolaborasi antara peneliti dari berbagai latar belakang, dan berfokus pada isu-isu yang kompleks dan memerlukan pendekatan yang luas dan beragam.
VAKSIN: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan dan Kedokteran
VAKSIN (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) adalah Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan dan Kedokteran yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan almusthofa. Ini adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan pada bulan April dan Oktober untuk mengembangkan etos ilmiah. Editor menerima artikel ilmiah dan hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan bidang Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan dan Kedokteran: penelitian asli, tinjauan literatur, studi kasus, dan laporan klinis yang berkontribusi pada pemahaman dan praktik di bidang kesehatan dan kedokteran.
International Journal empowerment society
IJES (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal empowerment society published semi-annual (June and December) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of empowerment society. The IJES invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, original research, case studies, theoretical discussions, and practical applications that contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practice in the field of social empowerment and community development
TERAPI: Jurnal Keperawatan
TERAPI (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) adalah Jurnal Keperawatan yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan almusthofa. Ini adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan pada bulan Mei dan November untuk mengembangkan etos ilmiah. Editor menerima artikel ilmiah dan hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan bidang Jurnal Keperawatan: penelitian orisinal, tinjauan literatur, studi kasus, dan laporan klinis yang berkontribusi pada pengembangan ilmu keperawatan dan praktik klinis.
International Journal of Al Musthofa: Education and culture
IJoAEaC (eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal of Al Musthofa: Education and culture published semi-annual (March, July, November) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of Education and culture. The IJoAEaC invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, original research, theoretical discussions, case studies, and practical applications, aiming to enhance understanding and practice at the intersection of education and culture.
International Journal of Economic, Business, and Management
IJoEBaM (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal of Economic, business, and management published semi-annual (February and August) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of Economic, business, and management. The IJoEBaM invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, economics, business practices, and management strategies.
International Journal of Economic, Banking, and Accounting Syariah
IJoEBaAS (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal of Economic, Banking, and Accounting Syariah published semi-annual (May and November) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of Economic, Banking, and Accounting Syariah. The IJoEBaAS invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, original research, case studies, theoretical discussions, and practical applications, aiming to advance the understanding and practice of Islamic finance, banking, and accounting.
International Journal of Laws
IJoL (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal of Laws published semi-annual (April and October) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of laws. The IJoL invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, original research, case studies, theoretical analysis, and practical insights, aiming to advance the understanding of legal principles, practices, and reforms.
International Journal of Agriculture and Horticulture
IJoAaH (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal of Agriculture and Horticulture published semi-annual (May and November) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of Agriculture and Horticulture. The IJoAaH invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, original research, case studies, reviews, and theoretical analysis, aiming to advance knowledge and practice in the fields of agriculture and horticulture.
International Journal of Livestock Farm
IJoLF (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal of Livestock Farm published semi-annual (June and December) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of Livestock Farm. The IJoLF invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, original research, case studies, reviews, and theoretical discussions, aiming to advance knowledge and practices in livestock farming and animal husbandry.
International Journal of Social and Politic
IJoSaP (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal of Social and Politic published semi-annual (January and June) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of Social and Politic. The IJoSaP invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, original research, theoretical analysis, case studies, and practical insights, aiming to advance understanding and knowledge in the fields of social sciences and political studies.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary
IJoM (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal of Multidisciplinary published semi-annual (May and November) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of Multidisciplinary. The IJoM invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, research methodologies, theoretical frameworks, and practical applications, aiming to advance understanding and foster collaboration across different academic disciplines.
International Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine
IJoHSaM (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal empowerment society published semi-annual (March and September) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of Health Sciences and Medicine. The IJoHSaM invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, original research, reviews, case studies, and theoretical analyses, aiming to advance knowledge and practice in health sciences and medicine.
International Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences
IJoNaHS (pISSN: xxxx-xxxx | eISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is an International Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences published semi-annual (April and October) by the Almusthofa Foundation. It is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research dedicated to in the field of Nursing and Health Sciences. The IJoNaHS invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, original research, case studies, reviews, and theoretical discussions, aiming to advance knowledge and practice in nursing and health sciences.